About the Charity

Almshouse at King Street Cambridge
The public face of United Charities of Cambridge: traditional almshouses in King Street, Cambridge

The United Charities of Cambridge (UCC) (formerly known as The Cambridge United Charities) seeks to continue the philanthropic work of the original benefactors for the benefit of the people of Cambridge and its surrounding area through the provision of almshouse accommodation, the relief of poverty and the education of the young.

Up to the 31st March 2017 the Charity enjoyed administrative support from Cambridge City Council, an arrangement which was discontinued because of conflicts of interest. The Charity is now run entirely by volunteers who reside in Cambridge and surrounding areas, with the exception of the Secretary to the Board of Trustees which is a remunerated post. Furthermore, in order to pursue its objectives effectively, the Charity seeks professional advice where necessary.

The Charity does not actively fundraise. Its focus is on the careful stewardship of existing resources and on funding their philanthropic activities.

There are two areas of the Charity’s work:
The Almshouses
Relief in Need (including Hobson & Crane Exhibition Foundation)

It is registered with the Charity Commission, providing Annual Reports and Accounts which can be viewed here and on the Charity Commission website
